Course Leader(s)

Ted Bearup

Teaches Christians about Islam at several colleges including Nazarene Theological College and is conducting doctoral research into new Islamic movements in the UK. He has served overseas, published five books, speaks Arabic and lives in Lancashire.

Revd Canon Dr Phil Rawlings

Teaches Masters courses, supervises doctorates, and helps local churches to relate to their Muslim neighbours. He is interested in the engagement between Christians and Muslims – that Christians can confidently share their faith in Jesus, while listening and seeking to understand Muslim friends and neighbours.

Understanding Our Muslim Neighbours

We’re thrilled to be running this course in collaboration with the Manchester Centre for the Study of Christianity and Islam (MCSCI).

Course Title: Understanding Our Muslim Neighbours

Course description: Islam is often in the news usually for the wrong reasons. Increasingly we have Muslim neighbours and colleagues. What is Islam? What does it mean for the ordinary Muslims living around us? What should our attitude as Christians be? This 5-week evening course will be delivered live online (via Zoom) and seeks to enable Christians to engage with their Muslim neighbours and colleagues with respect and with confidence.

Where: Online via Zoom

When: Tuesdays 7:00pm to 9:00pm

April 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, May 7th

Cost: £35 (£25 unwaged)

Course content

Each session will be in two cover two topics:

1a. Introduction. An overview of Islam in the UK.
1b. The Beliefs and Practices of Islam

2a. Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
2b. Foundations: Muhammad, the Qur’an and the Hadeeth.

3a. Lived religion, folk practices and the spiritual world of Muslims
3b. The Pursuit of Inner Purity: Sufi Islam.

4a. Islamic Sects and streams; Fundamentalism
4b. Women in Islam

5a Making sense of Islam on the World Stage.
5b. Relating to our Muslim neighbours.

Pentecostal Worship

September MBS:Reflect

October MBS:Reflect

Digging Deeper into Deuteronomy

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