First Steps in Church Planting
Course information:
First Steps in Church Planting:
- Why?
- What?
- Who?
- How?
- Where?
First Steps in Church Planting is an introduction to key questions we need to practically address in starting new churches. This 5-week, live online course asks these questions and offers practical help and examples in taking first steps towards planting churches.
Teacher: Revd Dr Trevor Hutton
Lecturer in Practical Theology and Missiology at NTC, Manchester
Trevor is originally from Belfast and has been a church pastor and church planter in Glasgow, Manchester alongside teaching at Nazarene Theological College, Manchester. His teaching role integrates missional education, missional training, and coaching of pioneers through Forge England and Wales, and the birthing and forming of missional communities.
Trevor’s PhD research at Cliff College explored how our understanding of the Trinity could shape and inform the planting of new churches. As the Director of Momentum UK he also provides missional consultancy, training, theological reflection and speaking engagements to a number of denominations and missional agencies.
Alongside teaching and training, Trevor is currently replanting a church in Fenton, Stoke-Upon-Trent, and is navigating the challenges and opportunities of urban ministry. You’ll only need to be around Trevor for a while to discover his passion for church planting, his love for the hymnology of Lennon & McCartney, his fandom of Man United, and his love of playing guitar.
When: Five Monday evenings in March, 7:30-9:00pm
March 3rd
March 10th
March 17th
March 24th
March 31st
Where: Live online (Zoom)
Cost: £35 (standard MBS fees)